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This Products page contains purchasing links to “AutoMate” series and a few other applications that make you life easier in the studio or while using your digital desk live, by enabling automation or scripting of otherwise complex tasks.

The Licensed Applications listed below entitle you to bug fixes and new enhancements. Licensed versions users receive free updates for the next two major releases.

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The AutoMate applications series

You will love what your digital console can do for you in your recording studio!

General information

The “AutoMate” applications are dedicated to X32, M32 and WING digital mixing consoles, mixing audio from REAPER or from the on-desk SD cards.

They offer recording, editing, and playback of automation of all console parameters (FX, EQ, faders, etc.) in sync with REAPER or SD card audio data.

REAPER or SD card audio transport functions are driven directly from the console, with extra features such as audio scrubbing and loop management.

These applications used by many individual, pro-studios and theatres enable creating a complete/final mix right at the console with full automation, using all of the console’s feature set and audio rendering engines. You can interrupt, save and restore your work in progress at anytime, or replay the mixed audio in live environments (for example in theatre/musicals automation) with ‘change on the fly’ capability.

More details and a full feature list are provided on the Home page of the website. You can also watch several videos demonstrating AutoMate applications from the Videos page.


Licensed version of X32ReaperAutoMate. This Windows application (runs on Mac/Linux under Wine or CrossOver) comes with a full feature set of functionalities, transport options and speed optimization. It reads Audio from on-board XLive SD card sessions and all mixing takes place within the X/M32. Theatres can use a number of cues way beyond the on-board limitations and create them using Excel files.

It also entitles you to free updates as soon as enhancements or a new version are available.

Price: €99.00

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Licensed version of X32XLiveAutoMate. This Windows application (runs on Mac/Linux under Wine or CrossOver) comes with a full feature set of functionalities, transport options and speed optimization. It reads Audio from on-board XLive SD card sessions and all mixing takes place within the X/M32. Theatres can use a number of cues way beyond the on-board limitations and create them using Excel files.

It also entitles you to free updates as soon as enhancements or a new version are available.

Price: €99.00

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AutoMate Bundle

Licensed version of a bundle including X32XLiveAutoMate and X32ReaperAutoMate. The programs have the full feature set of functionalities, transport options and speed optimization. They also entitle you to free updates as soon as enhancements or a new version are available.

Additional DescriptionMore Details

X32Reaper and X32XLive Automate applications bundles under a single package, at a discounted price

Price: €149.00

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Licensed version of WingReaperAutoMate. This “must-have in your studio” application has the full feature set of functionalities, transport options and speed optimization you can expect from a full automation, console-control based DAW, relying on REAPER for audio. It also entitles you to free updates as soon as enhancements or a new version are available.

The Linux and MacOS native versions (as opposed to running the Windows version under the control of a virtual OS) are command-line applications (no Graphical User Interface) and support the exact same functionalities as the Windows GUI version.

You can check the documentation for both GUI and command-line versions. WingReaperAutoMate is available for Windows, Linux and Mac (Mx and Intel); Choose your option below:

Product Options
Combination of product variants is not available

Price: €79.00

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Licensed version of WingWLiveAutoMate. This “must-have in your studio” application has the full feature set of functionalities, transport options and speed optimization you can expect from a full automation, console-control based DAW. Audio is read from on-board SD card sessions. It also entitles you to free updates as soon as enhancements or a new version are available.

The Linux and MacOS native versions (as opposed to running the Windows version under the control of a virtual OS) are command-line applications (no Graphical User Interface) and support the exact same functionalities as the Windows GUI version.

You can check the documentation for both GUI and command-line versions. WingWLiveAutoMate is available for Windows, Linux and Mac (Mx and Intel); Choose your option below:

Product Options
Combination of product variants is not available

Price: €79.00

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wcc is a great application running on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Rpi based computers for managing WING CUSTOM CONTROL knobs and buttons on WING Standard, Compact and Rack models. The program is launched in a command‐line or terminal window and will automatically find and connect through network to the WING console in the same local (/24) network as the computer.

wcc enables saving and restoring snippets. It also enables associating snippets to buttons as ON/OFF or temporary push buttons. All buttons and commands can be organized as menus, even menus calling menus, offering an infinite set of commands available from fthe CUSCOM CONTROL section. One specific capability of wcc is to be able to simultaneously communicate with up to 8 OSC devices or servers and send them OSC commands when tou press a WING CC button or turn a WING CC knob. This enables for example the distant control of another WING, an X32, recording studio gear management, video stream control such as handled by OBS, Zoom or Atem (using OSC-for-OBS, ZoomOSC or atemOSC), or for example light systems that accept OSC commands.

All snippets and OSC commands are fully configurable thanks to the use of text editable definition files.

wcc also offers a direct (in-line command with -a, -o, -z options) and file (with -F option) loading of buttons and associated ON and [optional] OFF snippets load capability. All buttons work on a toggle basis to enable stable loading of ON or [optional] OFF snippet for the respective button value. But they can self-modify and become ‘push’ rather than ‘toggle’ type. In that case, PPT or ‘fugitive’ actions (still with separate ON and OFF snippet capability) open a new set of functions WING does not offer natively. In addition, rather than loading a snippet, you can reference another file containing new button definitions to allow an infinite, menu or browse-like organization of button-base functionality on WING.

All actions and parameters can also be handled through MIDI.

Demos are available in the Video section of the website. Documentation is also available for the program. wcc is available for Windows, Linux, mac (Mx & Intel) and Pi  Systems; Please select your option below.

Product Options
Combination of product variants is not available

Price: €10.00

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wmultitake is a Windows application creating multitrack recordings using the WING mixing desk. Takes are done one take (1 or 2 tracks) at a time and the program uses both SD cards to enable bouncing previously recorded tracks. Monitoring of recorded data is possible; Adding a new track requires a single click as all routing settings changes are automatically managed by the tool. You can check the product documentation to get a better idea of what wmultitake can offer, video demos are also available in the videos section of the website, showing wmultitake in action.
wmultitake just got better with ver 1.4: you can now record mono, stereo, or mid/side sources. The application will also save the full state of the console, and restore it upon exiting. You have also the option of customizing sources and the given attributes will be used for recording on SD cards as well as during monitoring (on the desk) enabling you to easily distinguish what is what in the routing and mixing stages. Two new features have been added, with the capability to replace the last recorded take, and being able to mix whatever has been recorded so far. Routing of IO and SD are fully automated.

Price: €18.00

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wxfade is a powerful application running on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Rpi based computers for managing WING scenes. It is specifically aimed at the Standard version of WING, and its interactive features do not apply as well for WING Compact or WING Rack.

wxfade’s WING scenes are binary files, kept in the same directory the program runs from. The application is launched in a command‐line or terminal window and will automatically find and connect through network to the WING console in the same local (/24) network as the computer.

wxfade enables several operations with scenes such as save, restore, fade and cross-fade. It can be run in interactive mode, using the console to trigger actions, or as script commands.

wxfade scenes are saved as binary files on your computer and the restore, fade and cross-fade operations accept a SAFE options enabling you to ensure complete strips, or the fader, mute or solo strip parameters are not modified by the restoring of a scene. SAFEs can be changed on the fly using a WING Custom Control button that will load the new SAFEs from a file.

wxfade also offers a direct (in-line command with -a, -o, -z options) and file (with -F option) loading of buttons and associated ON and [optional] OFF snippets load capability. All buttons work on a toggle basis to enable stable loading of ON or [optional] OFF snippet for the respective button value. But they can self-modify and become ‘push’ rather than ‘toggle’ type. In that case, PPT or ‘fugitive’ actions (still with separate ON and OFF snippet capability) open a new set of functions WING does not offer natively in the form of Menus. In addition, rather than loading a snippet, you can reference another file (Menu) containing new button definitions to allow an infinite, menu or browse-like organization of button-base functionality on WING.

wxfade brings most of the features a lot of users have been waiting for a long time now. For live, studio, or just general management of scenes with an infinite number of scenes, GLOBAL SAFES and Program SAFES that enable protecting from full parameter set to the smallest element of your scenes. New in the latest release is the notion of RESTRICTS which ‘opposite’ to SAFES, target the update of specified-only subsets. It also puts WING’s CUSTOM CONTROL section to good use with the addition of fully customizable menus mapped on buttons, including user-defined snippet save and restore functionality.

wxfade also includes a DCA fade OUT and fade IN set of controls to manage transitions between scenes, or different contexts during live shows.

All actions and parameters can also be handled through MIDI.

Demos are available in the Video section of the website. Documentation is also available for the program. wxfade is available for Windows, Linux, mac (Mx & Intel) and Pi  Systems; Please select your option below.

Product Options
Combination of product variants is not available

Price: €13.00

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wdaw2wing is a Windows application that enables controlling a remote WING using the DAW layer(s) faders of a master Wing, or an X-Touch or MCH compatible device.

A typical use-case is the remote control of a Rack on stage which is used for monitoring or in-ear monitoring, from the FOH console or MCU surface, without affecting in any way the FOH mixing, routing or available number of channels for mixing FOH.

wdaw2wing can use the DAW mode capabilities of the master Wing, as the console can offer 1 (Wing Compact) or up to 3 DAW devices (Standard Wing) in the form of 8 faders groups that can map to selected groups of faders and mutes on the remote Wing. an X-Touch is also a great choice of control surface over USB MIDI or even DIN MIDI.

wdaw2wing takes advantage of MIDI and Ethernet connections: The master surface is using MIDI to connect to wdaw2wing, and wdaw2wing controls the remote Wing using Ethernet. wdaw2wing will open user chosen master MIDI devices for input/output and will automatically try to connect to a remote Wing if no IP is specified when launching the application.

You can check the documentation for wdaw2wing and a demo video to get a better understanding of the fabulous services this app can provide in live situations or when having to manage FOH and a second unit for monitoring or in-ears.

Price: €10.00

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Windows XP, Mac, Linux, etc…

All applications proposed here are initially developed under Windows. Some applications are ported and compiled with Linux, Mac, and even Rpi and therefore will run as native applications under these operating systems. For Windows applications, OS versions earlier than Win10 are not supported. For Windows applications that have not been ported to other environments, Mac users will be happy to know the programs run well under CrossOver (tested by a customer) when you respect the following rules:
  • Create a Directory in the Program Files directory (CrossOver doesn’t do it automatically)
  • Add the .ini and .exe files into that directory (CrossOver doesn’t do it automatically)
  • Create a Run command that launches the .exe within the Bottle that crossover creates.
For people that have both M and Intel Macs, CrossOver lets you import bottles (their term for the program running within Crossover) which may be more effective than an install on the second machine. WINE may also be an option. Linux users (Ubuntu, Linux-Mint, etc..) can use this comprehensive link for installing Wine on their system. Note: We cannot be held responsible for Windows-native applications not running correctly when using CrossOver or Wine, please contact their support lines.