FW 1.13.6 & WEdit 1.0

Exciting times! Music Group just released FW version 1.13.6 for the WING digital consoles as well as the first edition (1.0) of WEdit, a long awaited online and offline editor for WING.

The new FW release comes with lots of changes including in the internal structures of the console. This implies a need to update most of the applications using wapi, which also bumped to ver 1.33 and is available on github. Documentations (OSC and wapi) have been updated too to reflect all the changes that took place with FW 1.13.6.

Lots of testing on everyone’ sides. I’m publishing applications to the new update as quickly as possible, here and on my personal website. Windows, Linux and Rpi versions will come first as I have full control on the code generation. MacOS versions may take a little longer, but even if you happen to download an ‘outdated’ version, you will automatically receive the updated version when it becomes available. That’s how we are at x32ram.com 🙂

Happy Mixing!

wcc, wxfade, wmultitake updates and cut&paste capabilities for the AutoMate series
USB/INT wave file events added to the Wing AutoMate series