User Interface WingReaperAutoMate has a simple user interface [UI] with a low set of options so you can focus on your mixing work. The user interface per se (how you. read more…
X/M32 User Assign bank X32ReaperAutoMate and X32XliveAutoMate share very similar User Interfaces [UI]. The UI reserves a bank A, B, or C per user choice in the configuration file, and. read more…
Wiki Tag: transport
User Interface Features (WingReaperAutoMate)
User Interface WingReaperAutoMate has a simple user interface [UI] with a low set of options so you can focus on your mixing work. The user interface per se (how you. read more…
X32 (Reaper and Xlive) Transport Controls and Functions
X/M32 User Assign bank X32ReaperAutoMate and X32XliveAutoMate share very similar User Interfaces [UI]. The UI reserves a bank A, B, or C per user choice in the configuration file, and. read more…