The Stream Deck can be extremely useful when setting up tracks in Reaper. Not only can you use preset names for the tracks, you can also specify the icon and the color for each track. Since X32ReaperAutoMate follows those settings in the Reaper track name field and instantly places the name, icon and color on the channel scribble strip LCD display, it makes sense to take the proper time to set them up to facilitate mixing. I spent several hours making pages of track definitions, so I wouldn’t have to type them later (not to mention the syntax for the icons and colors!). I can set up 32 tracks of audio in about 5 minutes. It makes organizing the layout of your mix on the console extremely easy.
In this section of the Wiki you’ll see instructions for using X32ReaperAutoMate syntax for icons and colors. Please read that section and then download the Icon Pack here.
To set up your Stream Deck, you need to make a new profile just for setting up Reaper. Then you will go to the System menu and drag the Text function to the button you want.

(FW Version 3.0 icons shown)
This is what my Drum page looks like. This page pretty much covers all the needs for defining drum tracks in Reaper and how they will show up on my console. The icon numbers in the filenames are the numbers you use in the Text box as shown below. Let’s take a closer look at my Kick button:

In the Title: I have “Kick” and that’s what shows up on the Stream Deck button (what you put there is optional, or nothing at all). In the Text field, we see (spaces are optional – I use them for clarity) Kick %02 %15. Finally, I checked “Press Enter after message” – very important! I then dragged the X32 icon to the button so I would know exactly what icon will appear on the console.
To use this function, simply select the Reaper track of your choice, double click the Name field, and press the button. If you have “Press Enter after message” checked as above, you are done! Your track Name, Icon and Color will instantly appear on your console (if X32ReaperAutoMate is connected of course!).
Download My Reaper Setup Profile I’ve included my personal setup profile for the Stream Deck. Click on the link, download and unzip the file. Then import it to your Stream Deck. Of course, you’re going to have my Track Name, Icon and Color choices in this profile. But it will give you a basis from which to work should you choose to edit it. Note that you may add as many Folders and Text shortcuts that you like. Different genres have different requirements of course. My profile is just a general use profile that I add to as I get more projects to mix and the requirements expand. I hope that using the Stream Deck is as useful to you in setting up your Reaper tracks as it has been for me!
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