wmultitake is a Windows application creating multitrack recordings using the WING mixing desk. Takes are done one take (1 or 2 tracks) at a time and the program uses both SD cards to enable bouncing previously recorded tracks. Monitoring of recorded data is possible; Adding a new track requires a single click as all routing settings changes are automatically managed by the tool. You can check the product documentation to get a better idea of what wmultitake can offer, video demos are also available in the videos section of the website, showing wmultitake in action.
wmultitake just got better with ver 1.4: you can now record mono, stereo, or mid/side sources. The application will also save the full state of the console, and restore it upon exiting. You have also the option of customizing sources and the given attributes will be used for recording on SD cards as well as during monitoring (on the desk) enabling you to easily distinguish what is what in the routing and mixing stages. Two new features have been added, with the capability to replace the last recorded take, and being able to mix whatever has been recorded so far. Routing of IO and SD are fully automated.
wmultitake is a Windows application creating multitrack recordings using the WING mixing desk. Takes are done one take (1 or 2 tracks) at a time and the program uses both SD cards to enable bouncing previously recorded tracks. Monitoring of recorded data is possible; Adding a new track requires a single click as all routing settings changes are automatically managed by the tool. You can check the product documentation to get a better idea of what wmultitake can offer, video demos are also available in the videos section of the website, showing wmultitake in action.
wmultitake just got better with ver 1.4: you can now record mono, stereo, or mid/side sources. The application will also save the full state of the console, and restore it upon exiting. You have also the option of customizing sources and the given attributes will be used for recording on SD cards as well as during monitoring (on the desk) enabling you to easily distinguish what is what in the routing and mixing stages. Two new features have been added, with the capability to replace the last recorded take, and being able to mix whatever has been recorded so far. Routing of IO and SD are fully automated.
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