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    • #1381

      Hello, Thanks for having this available. I am having a rough go at getting this going. Right now I am at theine file stage. and have gotten the file changed to my reaper ip addy but I cant seem to be able to move the file into the reaper file. when I made the edit to the ini file I was in the zip folder. but when I extract all file to the reaper file. I do not see the file in the folder. I have not been able to get the connection to in the RUNNING stage.

      I am using an x32 compact, on the unlicensed version and plan on buying once I get it working. Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks, Steve from the USA (Virginia)

    • #1382

      This is the error message I get on my PC windows 7 when I go to move from zip file to reaper file

      There are no results for ! c:\users\producer\appdata\roaming\reaper\x32reaperautomate.zip: cannot create .x32reaperautomate.ini the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

    • #1383
      MJ Klein

      There are no results for ! c:\users\producer\appdata\roaming\reaper\x32reaperautomate.zip: cannot create .x32reaperautomate.ini the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

      You have the file open in your editor while still in the zip archive. That’s not going to work.

      Unzip the zip file in it’s own directory. There is no need to place this directory in any relationship to Reaper. Edit the .ini file only in the directory. Leave all the AutoMate files together in this directory and run the AutoMate program from that directory, after you have set up Reaper as outlined in the Wiki and videos.

      Please realize that the Compact is not fully supported as there are no transport buttons to work with.

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