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    • #1535

      I recently moved to a new location and upon setting up my studio I noticed a change in behavior with X32RAM.

      The timeline information is no longer updated on the X32 mixer when I use the jog wheels to move around the session, and the automation is no longer recorded and played back. X32RAM does successfully connect with Reaper and I can use the X32 to control the transport in Reaper.

    • #1567
      MJ Klein

      Hi Henry. Sorry to hear you’re having difficulties. Sometimes I have issues with the LCD syncing (timecode and transport color) and a reboot will solve that. Since you can control Reaper with the transport buttons, it sounds like your OSC setup is correct. As simple as it sounds, please try a reboot and let us know what happens.

    • #1570

      Moving to a new location may have modified your IP address(es). Do you still have valid data (IP) in the REAPER settings? The REAPER panel on option->preferences->Control surfaces-> your X32 OSC info will show a grayed [Local] IP and a Device one you need to set to the right value for your setup. It is in 90% of the installations the same as what’s in the grayed zone, but gas to be manually set.
      If the fields in your .X32ReaperAutoMate.ini file for IP settings are empty, X32ReaperAutoMate will manage it from there, otherwise you’ll need to adjust the IP values there as well.
      Hope this helps.

    • #1572

      Hello all,

      I double checked the IP address setup and everything seems to be correct. X32RAM is successfully connecting to Reaper.

      The main problem is that some features are working while others are not. For example, the screensaver, SoF timer and transport control are all working. However, the track naming and automation features are not working. Rebooting has not resolved the problem.

    • #1578


      Seems your install is correctly setup if some of the features show up.

      REAPER track names/icons to X32 require REAPER to be launched after X32ReaperAutoMate, and a flag to be set to ‘y’ in the .ini file. Make sure these steps are respected.

      Automation will work if the Automation button is ON and if you have something in you mix (either loaded as a mix project or recorded after a first pass with ReadWrite enabled). Of course “SuspendAuto” should be off!

      Let me know if the latest version of the app you just downloaded fixed some of the issues.

    • #1822


      Sorry for the late reply, I have updated to the latest version of X32RAM but I am still facing the same issues.

      In the .ini file I have the XRNoReaperName value set to ‘n’ since it says that ‘y’ will make it so name data will not propagate to X32. I have tested launching X32RAM before Reaper, but the scribble strips on the X32 do not update.

      I have also tested writing automation per the usual steps, however no automation data is recorded or played back.

      The only features that seem to have any effect are the jog wheels and transport controls. Some features like the SOF timer works. The timecode on the master channel is always at 0:00:000.

    • #1823

      No problem.
      It sounds like one of the REAPER panel IP data (or port) is not correctly set, preventing REAPER to send data to X32ReaperAutoMate. Check the REAPER->options->preferences->control/osc/web panel->your X32 OSC entry. The Device IP should be the same data as the Local IP (I’m assuming you run both REAPER and X32ReaperAutoMate on the same computer).

      The issue applies to all problems you mention: not getting scribbles to follow your REAPER track names, automation not recording, and timing showing 0:0:0 (because there’s no timing data coming from REAPER).

      Hope this helps,

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