X32ReaperAutoMate Update #1

An update for Licensed Users!

Great news for X32ReaperAutoMate users, there’s more available right at the desk, rather than having to look at your PC as you create you mix.

What is new
With update version 1.001, licensed X32ReaperAutoMate users can select to use X32 or M32 ‘LR’ Channel scribble to display several types of information, such as:

  • What transport function is currently activated. This is displayed in several ways, the LR scribble LED can change color (user choice too) to match active transport functions.
  • The active transport function is also displayed as a letter: P for Play, S for Stop, R for Record, W for Pause, and an additional status letter echoes the state of loop repeat with a lowercase r.
  • The tally is displayed in the format mm:ss.xxx (xxx for milliseconds). The display value on X32 or M32 will always match REAPER’s millisecond cursor time, so you can rely on it.

Please watch a short demo video made at recording studio phoenixmediaforge.com to see for yourself the comfort this new additions bring!

Enjoy Mixing with X32ReaperAutoMate!

-Patrick-Gilles Maillot

The first public release of X32ReaperAutomate!
X32ReaperAutoMate - Update #2