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  • in reply to: X32Automate not working but X32Reaper does? #2497

    Reply has been posted on the forum.

    As to the IP the applications propose; it is the first one found in the list of IP reported by your OS. Connections is automatically set/possible if the X32 replies to the proposed IP. Otherwise, you can 1) change the order of appearance of IP addresses (if that’s a possibility), or use the -i option, providing yourself the IP to connect to.

    in reply to: X32Automate not working but X32Reaper does? #2496

    Reply has been posted on the forum.

    in reply to: Problems with FW 4.06 #1912


    Sorry for the late reply. What version of software are you running?
    Please provide you email address so we can take this offline if needed.

    in reply to: Wing Show Control #1861


    Sorry I didn’t se your post before :\

    WING (the console) still doesn’t have any show management in its FW. This is due for addition soon (so says Behringer). As soon as it becomes available, I’ll actively work on adding the respective features in WingReaperAutoMate. In the meantime, I coded a simple “scene save” method to enable WingReaperAutoMate to work correctly from an audio automation point of view.

    in reply to: Timing and Automation Read/Write Issue #1823

    No problem.
    It sounds like one of the REAPER panel IP data (or port) is not correctly set, preventing REAPER to send data to X32ReaperAutoMate. Check the REAPER->options->preferences->control/osc/web panel->your X32 OSC entry. The Device IP should be the same data as the Local IP (I’m assuming you run both REAPER and X32ReaperAutoMate on the same computer).

    The issue applies to all problems you mention: not getting scribbles to follow your REAPER track names, automation not recording, and timing showing 0:0:0 (because there’s no timing data coming from REAPER).

    Hope this helps,

    in reply to: Timing and Automation Read/Write Issue #1578


    Seems your install is correctly setup if some of the features show up.

    REAPER track names/icons to X32 require REAPER to be launched after X32ReaperAutoMate, and a flag to be set to ‘y’ in the .ini file. Make sure these steps are respected.

    Automation will work if the Automation button is ON and if you have something in you mix (either loaded as a mix project or recorded after a first pass with ReadWrite enabled). Of course “SuspendAuto” should be off!

    Let me know if the latest version of the app you just downloaded fixed some of the issues.

    in reply to: Timing and Automation Read/Write Issue #1570

    Moving to a new location may have modified your IP address(es). Do you still have valid data (IP) in the REAPER settings? The REAPER panel on option->preferences->Control surfaces-> your X32 OSC info will show a grayed [Local] IP and a Device one you need to set to the right value for your setup. It is in 90% of the installations the same as what’s in the grayed zone, but gas to be manually set.
    If the fields in your .X32ReaperAutoMate.ini file for IP settings are empty, X32ReaperAutoMate will manage it from there, otherwise you’ll need to adjust the IP values there as well.
    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Not working on X32 (4.01) #1369

    Hello MJ,

    I sure look forward to these videos! 🙂

    in reply to: Show automation with backing tracks #1253

    Yes 😉

    We exchanges with Laurent and his need is slightly more complex, including either external tracks with pre-recorded automation, or audio coming from the USB stick with or without pre-recorded automation.

    It only software so all’s possible (within limits) but is it always “practical” for use?

    X32 provides a status/feedback when switching scenes (I need to double check but I believe this is the case) as well as when starting a USB stick or XLive track. In Laurent’s case, the trigger point is the starting of Audio tracks for his musical, which can (or not) have automation attached to them.

    He’s currently testing a solution based on USB audio I believe.

    in reply to: Show automation with backing tracks #1246

    Hello Laurent,

    I haven’t targeted X32ReaperAutoMate to that as the goal was to create song mixes; but it’s a very legitimate need 🙂 And maybe an area I can help with.

    It probably can be added via/to the Windows GUI interface, taking into account a list of REAPER tracks for example and managing the X32 engine from there. Another possibility is to just provide the tool with some scripting capabilities, so you’d control successive runs of the tool from a ‘parent’ script.

    But before digging into some programing, I would prefer to really understand what and how you’d want to do things.

    Don’t hesitate to send me direct emails on the subject, we can exchange until something firms up and I’ll set it up for you if possible.


    in reply to: Not working on X32 (4.01) #1240


    The X32 is more a “Live” console than a “Studio” one and I (and others) have tried to enable additional features or extend its capabilities through the use of external systems (applications or small HW add-ons).

    X32ReaperAutoMate does what you’re after if I understand you correctly. REAPER and its audio tracks are “just” a tape recorder as seen by the X32 and X32ReaperAutoMate. when X32ReaperAutoMate runs, the audio is taken from REAPER through the X-USB or X-Live interface cards, and passed on to the X32 audio engine. All audio processing (to perform a Mix) is done in real-time on/with/in the X32. what X32ReaperAutoMate also provides is a full recording of X32 events, and this provides Mix automation on all parameters of the desk, with the capability to record automation, payback, save, restore, etc…

    The setup is quite “simple” from a connection standpoint: Your PC is connected to the X32 using USB and provides audio from REAPER to the card inputs of the X32. Your X32 Routing must take the card inputs as input. Your PC is also connected to the X32 via Ethernet (wire or WIFI); This is for the control part, i.e. all the events the X32 will send as changes take place. Most of these events will be recorded by the program, while some of them will manage transport and synchronization of REAPER audio with X32 events.

    What you get out of this setup is audio (a Mix) from the X32. Either you play/listen to it through monitors, or you record the result as a .wav file on USB stick.

    Where this setup is not fully in line with your dream is that you cannot play and record audio from and to REAPER (your tape drive) simultaneously. This is a limitation of the X-USB or X-LIVE cards. As mentioned above, the recording of your Mix can be routed to the USB stick as a .wav file, which you can ‘manually’ re-import into REAPER and only then, use as new input.

    As to getting REAPER audio to play in the X32, this is a Routing setup, so go in setup->routing and within the input tab, select the card as input, and ensure you have the bottom right tab set to “play”. If you’re using an X-Live, also ensure that the source is USB and not SD. This is similar to getting REAPER audio to play through your X32; No need to have X32ReaperAutoMate running for this.

    Hope this helps,

    in reply to: Not working on X32 (4.01) #1234


    I took the time to test tonight the unlicensed version with 4.02 FW, and all works as expected including REAPER controls from the X32 Transport buttons managed by the application. Please double check your settings, and do not hesitate to chime in if you still experience issues.


    in reply to: Not working on X32 (4.01) #1233

    Haven’t checked the unlicensed version for some time but there’s no reason from 3.11 to 4.0… 4.01 that the app would behave differently.

    You say the app and REAPER connected; Good.

    How do you get REAPER to start playing?
    Are you expecting X32 faders to move when you move faders in REAPER tracks? Because this is not what this app is about.


    in reply to: connexion x32 et repear #1209


    Quelques éléments qui je l’espère vous aideront:

    Routeur entre PC et X32: non obligatoire, mais assurez-vous alors que vous pouvez communiquer entre PC et X32, pour cela les adresses IP de votre PC et de votre X32 doivent être différentes bien-sûr, et sur le même réseau et votre PC doit être maître sur le réseau. C’est pour cela qu’il est souvent plus simple d’utiliser un routeur aui fait office de point central de réseau, et fournisseur d’adresses IP (fonction DHCP).

    Si l’application ‘trouve’ la X32, alors tout va bien. En effet ‘trouver’ la x32 se fait en communicant avec la première X32 qui répond sur le réseau.

    Dans REAPER, les deux adresses IP sont identiques si REAPER et l’application tournent sur le même PC ce qui est généralement le cas. l’adresse que vous ne pouvez pas modifier est l’adresse de votre PC et l’adresse que vous pouvez modifier est l’adresse du PC sur lequel X32ReaperAutomate est lancé.

    Lorsque l’application fonctionne et que vous avez trouvé la X32, vous pouvez alors lancer l’application REAPER. La X32 va alors prendre les informations de nom, icone et couleur que vous aurez mis pour vos pistes REAPER, et suivant ce que vous mettez, vous pouvez avoir des écrans/scribbles noirs [cela n’empèche pas l’application de fonctionner]. les pages Wiki donnent une description du format des noms de pistes REAPER à utiliser pour obtenir, noms, icones et couleurs souhaités sur la X32. [[ %icon[ %color]] (spaces are optional)]

    La perte des titres/couleurs/etc. au bout d’un certain temps est lié à la fonction “screensaver” qui baisse la luminosité de la console aux valeurs minimales au bout de quelques secondes. Cette fonction peut être débrayée en changeant une valeur dans le fichier de configuration (.X32ReaperAutoMate.ini, ligne “ScreenSaver= y”, remplacez le ‘y’ par un ‘n’).


    in reply to: X32 Compact #1082


    The programs run on all versions of X32 and M32. There are (sometimes severe) limitations on Compact, Producer and Rack versions of course, due to the lack of full set of User Assign buttons and knobs availability on these variants. Using an external device such as Shuttle Pro or Stream Deck (programing buttons and jogs to emulate REAPER functions or the keystrokes listed in the configuration file of X32XLiveAutoMate) brings you back all the functionality supported by the applications.


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